Friday, January 23, 2009

Update from David Warlick a.k.a in Second Life as Suriawang Dapto

As we all know, David Warlick is a traveling man. I look forward to seeing his new presentation styles after reading "Presentation Zen" myself. If you have not read it, you should. It will totally change how you present. Check out the arhived Second Life USDLC Teacher Series at

Update from David Warlick:

My travel schedule has picked up again, with a stronger January than usual. The coming year will have my in Canada several times, New Zealand, and Qatar -- plus all over the U.S. Hope that holds.

During the holidays, I spent a good bit of time re-writing some of the code for Class Blogmeister, my classroom blogging tool. I also spent some time reading, specifically "Born Digital" by John Palfry and Urs Gasser, "The Post-American World" by Fareed Zakaria, and "Presentation Zen" by Barr Reynolds. I am now re-designing all of my presentation slide decks ;-)

Here is a link to a picture that Peggy Sheehy took of me, as Suriawang Dapto, in Second Life, doing a presentation for the AASL, standing in front of my virtual 3D concept map.

Looking forward to the conference...

-- dave --

David F. Warlick
The Landmark Project
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